Wednesday 31 March 2010

One more Grundtvig Easter hymn

Hail, you Saviour and Redeemer,
crowned with thorns by the blasphemer,
you know well, my cross when seeking
I rose garlands would be weaving,
grant me courage and success!

What in God was there to grieve you,
what in dust to love or please you,
that, all your divineness waiving,
you mankind must needs be saving,
and be fully known to us?

Here were love and heart most fervent
mightier than death, their servant;
less for taking than for giving,
solely therefore you were willing
on the cross to take our place!

Ah! I savour now the wholeness
of heart’s hardness, of heart’s coldness!
What could rise from rocks unswaying,
worthy, able of repaying,
my Redeemer, your great love?

From your wounds, though, a great river
rose that can mankind deliver,
with such power each rock to tumble,
even icebergs cause to crumble,
and to wash the heart quite pure!

Therefore tearfully I’m praying:
Fill my veins without delaying
with that spring that makes rocks tumble,
that can make the iceberg crumble,
and our blood guilt wash away!

You, who me yourself have given,
let me love life, by you driven,
so my heart beats only for you,
so you in my thoughts ensure you
e’er their deepest meaning be.

Though like flowers I too must wither,
hand and breast must ice-cold shiver,
you’ll not let me taste death’s anguish,
you in sin won’t let me languish,
for its wages you have paid!

In your cross I trust completely,
Saviour, by your mercy heed me.
Help me when my foes travail me!
take my hand, when death assails me!
say: We go to Paradise!

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