Tuesday 20 April 2010

The Danes SING their poetry - this is a classic. No wedding anniversary is complete without it

It’s so delightful to be as one

It’s so delightful to be as one,
For two who dearly life would be sharing,
Each joy is felt to be doubly won,
Each sorrow’s burden is half the bearing;
Yes, it’s fair weather
:|: To walk together, :|:
Two birds, one feather,
:|: In love, true love! :|:

It’s so agreeable everywhere
Where great and small the same mind are sharing,
And those great loads which we all must bear
Are lessened by the heart’s tender caring;
Yes, it’s fair weather
:|: To stay together, :|:
When now and ever
:|: Is heart’s true voice! :|:

It’s so inspiring to know each day
We have a Master of all life’s stations,
He’ll not forsake us when we are grey,
His mercy lasts to all generations;
Yes, it’s fair weather,
:|: That altogether :|:
Both now and ever
:|: Is God’s true word! :|:

It’s so distressing to have to part
For those who dearly life would be sharing,
But God be praised! All those dear of heart
Re-meet in heaven to joy unsparing;
Yes, it’s fair weather
:|: To live together, :|:
When now and ever
:|: Is love, true love! :|:

Each wedding couple who pledge their vow
In Jesu’s name, and in fullest measure,
Though earthly fortune be high or low,
Will find both early and late life’s treasure:
For it’s fair weather
:|: To sit together, :|:
When fired for ever
:|: By love, true love. :|:

(N.F.S. Grundtvig, 1855)

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