Tuesday 13 April 2010

Poem by the Danish writer Jeppe Aakjær

Now the day is full of song

Now the day is full of song
and now the curlew’s calling,
hear the snipe that all night long
its love-drum beats till morning.
Gather, gather grass with dew,
gather, gather reeds anew,
gather, gather flowers.

Marigolds with heavy stance
have formed a golden meadow,
when the south wind calls a dance
the willow herb will follow.
Gather, gather grass with dew,
gather, gather reeds anew,
gather, gather flowers.

And the pond, till day is late,
has flowering rush to light it,
holds up high each stem so straight
to let the sun ignite it.
Gather, gather grass with dew,
gather, gather reeds anew,
gather, gather flowers.

Now young maids with stitches fine
their wedding gowns are seaming.
She who for a groom must pine
will find hers when she’s dreaming.
Gather, gather grass with dew,
gather, gather reeds anew,
gather, gather flowers.

Hand me a forgetmenot
and mint ere our game’s over,
then we will, as like as not,
end up as if in clover.
Gather, gather grass with dew,
gather, gather reeds anew,
gather, gather flowers.

Well-known Danish song, with music by Carl Nielsen

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