Wednesday 27 October 2010

Another poem by Jeppe Aakjær

Another evening poem, this time by a poet known for writing in Jutland dialect and poems that seem destined to be sung. Many of them have been set to music.
Other poems on the blog can be found at 29.03.10 and 09.08.10. The poem 'Now the day is full of song', at 13.04.10, is the subject of a workshop essay here.


        Still, my heart, now sets the sun,
While the moor is resting,
        Herds now homeward are begun,
And the stork is nesting.
        Still, my heart, now sets the sun.

        O’er the moor-path silence falls
As on roads so winding.
        A late bumblebee is all
Keenest ears are finding.
        Still, my heart, now sets the sun.

        Briefly now the lapwing flies
O’er the bog-pond’s blushes,
        Ere it folds its wings and lies
’Neath a roof of rushes.
        Still, my heart, now sets the sun.

        Eastern window-panes afar
Flare up in the gloaming,
        Moorland ponds like tiny stars
Catch the sunset’s homing.
        Still, my heart, now sets the sun!

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