Monday 18 April 2011

All wrong! It was Theobald Hock. Here's another poem

A lovely woman and a lovely horse
are similar in four particulars

Orlando rode a wingèd horse.
Called Hippogriffus, of great force,
He used to ride most everywhere
Through hill and dale, up in the air.
Young Perseus did likewise ride
A horse with wings, and stole as bride
Andromeda the fair,
A maid beyond compare.

The horses are all long since gone,
Now by a knight’s fine mount outshone,
A matchless stallion, no less,
A suitor’s horse his cause to bless.
Its master God good fortune brought
So on it he his Lady caught,
And from her a Favór
Is granted per Amór.

A lovely woman, lovely horse,
Must have these attributes perforce:
A beautiful and comely mane,
A strong and powerful chest domain,
A splendid gait, and one thing more
Would fain be ridden – that makes four.
Attractions I profess
These creatures should possess.

Though both should also in a trice
Decide one rider may suffice,
Like Alexander’s horse so sound,
Once its true master had been found,
All those who’d mount it did repel.
Those who keep horse and woman well
Are Cavaliers of course –
Even without their horse.

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