Tuesday 23 August 2011

Another poem by Martin Reints in English and Danish translation

Twilight without end

A sudden resolve
while the execution of the previous resolve is still underway

during other incidents

I can still remember that I had planned something
but already not what
but already almost why once more

a lick of paint
where you can imagine another lick of paint

a collision
but the bang is still to come.

Skumring uden ende

En pludselig beslutning
imens udførelsen af den foregående beslutning stadig er i gang

under andre begivenheder

jeg husker stadig at jeg havde noget for
men allerede ikke længere hvad
men allerede næsten igen hvorfor

en sjat maling
hvor du kan forestille dig endnu en sjat maling

et sammenstød
men braget lader vente på sig.

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