Wednesday 23 May 2012

Dutch anonymous 14th century poem


Ghequetst ben ic van binnen

Ghequetst ben ic van binnen,
Duerwont mijn hert soe seer,
Van uwer ganscher minnen
Ghequetst soe lanc soe meer.
Waer ic my wend, waer ic my keer,
Ic en can gherusten dach noch nachte;
Waer ic my wend, waer ic my keer,
Ghy sijt alleen in mijn ghedachte.

My breast is sore afflicted

My breast is sore afflicted, 
My heart torments me so,
By all thy love inflicted
The wound does ever grow,
Where'er I turn, where'er I go,
By night, by day no rest is given;
Where'er I turn, where'er I go,
By thoughts of thee my heart is riven. 

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