Wednesday 5 September 2012

Benny Andersen at full throttle

Morning anthem

Lots of living to do today, folks!
We’re already in full swing
got going bright and early
splashed our face with water
our throat with coffee
a quick quarrel
and a glance at the paper

Still left’s some laughter
and a couple more meals –
so pile on the coal, folks!

New ideas are always welcome
What about giving
the grocer an impromptu kiss
or wearing your jacket back to front

We’ve got to feel we’re alive
Music’s a must
and flowers all round
who knows, the odd banana perhaps

Be lavish with mind and inventiveness
keep your body at full steam –
steam’s better than dust

Write scores of letters and plant a tree
imitate a few birds
give your wife some terrible vice
and forgive her on the spot
all of this indicates life.

The day’s still young
you can do heaps and heaps
before you flake out

Plenty of banner headlines
exaggerate for once:

The sentence of the court:

You’re condemned to live!

You may not ditch your destiny,
quite the reverse, just assume it

Fill it out
like your skin!

Get stuck into life

Root out your future

Splash out with plans and words of wisdom
for today by jingo’s for living!

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