Friday 17 January 2014

'Sous le pont Mirabeau' in English


The Mirabeau bridge

Under the Mirabeau bridge flows the Seine
       And all our loves
     Why does it make so plain
That any joy must always follow pain
     Let the night come the hour sound clear
     The days all pass I’m still here

Our hands intertwined let’s stay face to face
       While far below
     The bridge of our arms strays
The languid wave of each endless gaze
     Let the night come the hour sound clear
     The days all pass I’m still here

Our love drifts away like these waters flow
       Love drifts away
     And our lives are so slow
With Hope more violent than we could know
     Let the night come the hour sound clear
     The days all pass I’m still here.

The days and weeks pass in a ceaseless train
       But no past time
     Or past love comes again
Under the Mirabeau bridge flows the Seine
     Let the night come the hour sound clear
     The days all pass I’m still here.

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