Tuesday 16 September 2014

Revised 'Egidius' translation


Egidius, where shall I find thee?
I long for thee, dear friend of mine.
Thou’st suffered death, to life consigned me.

Sweet company we had and fine,
Yet one must die and the other pine.
Now at the throne mayst thou enshrined be,
There as a brightest sun to shine,
With bliss that’s unalloyed assigned thee.

Egidius, where shall I find thee?
I long for thee, dear friend of mine.
Thou’st suffered death, to life consigned me.

Now pray for me: thy death’s behind thee,
I to this harsh world must resign.
Keep my place by thee safe, I mind thee:
I still must sing my song’s each line.
Yet unto death all lives incline.

Egidius, where shall I find thee?
I long for thee, dear friend of mine.
Thou’st suffered death, to life consigned me.

1 comment:

  1. Seems very good - without understanding the original - and your rhyme-sound is even tighter than the original.
