Wednesday 12 November 2014

A Hans Christian Andersen carol

Barn Jesus i en krybbe lå,

skønt Himlen var hans eje.

Hans pude her blev hø og strå,

mørkt var det om hans leje!

Men stjernen over huset stod,

og oksen kyssed barnets fod.

Halleluja! Halleluja! Barn Jesus!

Hver sorgfuld sjæl, bliv karsk og glad,

ryst af din tunge smerte,

et barn er født i Davids stad

til trøst for hvert et hjerte.

Til barnet vil vi stige ind

og blive børn i sjæl og sind.

Halleluja! Halleluja! Barn Jesus!

The Christ child in a manger lay

Though his was all creation;

His pillow was but straw and hay

And dark the crib’s location!

The star though o’er the house shone bright;

The ox the child’s foot kissed that night.

Let hallelujahs sound on high! Christ Jesus!

Be sound and joyful, soul forlorn,

Shake off pain’s tribulation,

In Bethlehem a child is born,

Each heart’s true consolation;

We to that child the path will find,

And children be in soul and mind.

Let hallelujahs sound on high! Christ Jesus!

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