Thursday 22 January 2015

At a guess - the only hymn that includes a honey cake. By Brorson (1739).

God’s kingdom’s gospel is so sweet

God’s kingdom’s gospel is so sweet,
as honey cake its flavour;
if in one’s heart it finds a seat
where one this food can savour,
it is the soul’s own honey fare
makes light the heart and free from care
and in Christ’s eyes most pleasing.

The word so sweet for which we crave
God’s mouth and heart have given,
it is a kiss that God us gave
when to despair we’re driven,
it is the strength of God’s own heart,
a honeyed cure that makes depart
sin’s every pus-filled abcess.

If you by sin are sore oppressed
which here your soul has smitten,
this heav’nly word’s to you addressed,
come, read what has been written:
As true as God lives ever more,
he never will your sighs ignore,
but lovingly receive you.

Just place this word upon your tongue
and to your pain apply it,
you’ll move God’s heart if truly sprung
from your heart’s depths you sigh it;
in Jesu’s name accept God’s grace
and hasten to its sweet embrace
for it is granted gladly.

Come, settle like a busy bee
in this word’s meadow-flowers,
the strength within seek earnestly,
suck deep for many hours,
there honey freely is bestowed,
the blood that from Christ’s wounds once flowed
in God’s word is discovered.

You think, if you’d an upright heart
no doubt would e’er assail you,
but when you feel lust’s wicked dart
deep down, you heart will fail you,
your heart will quickly grow quite weak,
because you lack the strength you seek
to banish sin for ever.

Your greatest sin can never face
or match at any hour
the mighty kingdom of God’s grace,
his true word’s living power;
he who has faith God’s grace shall know
no matter he be high or low
or where on earth he’s living.

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