Sunday 26 April 2015

A sonnet by Kingo

sigh in sound-rhyme

How often I do sigh since fortune’s heavy weight,
Apportioned unto each by God Almighty’s hand,
Burdens unequally the fates all must withstand,
At random strikes down all, and each man separate,
No matter whether they a crown should chance to wear,
Or amongst those deemed beggars their whole life must share!
Yet each must needs accept the portion fate’s assigned,
Enhance his scrap of fortune with what he can find!
Wherefore shall I, O God! with my lot not comply?
Although to pierce my foot I know no thorn can try
Without your hand at work! And brief too is time’s stay,
That bears all on its back and blows it all away.
So do I blow, wait patiently, and blow once more
At all things time e’en so will blow off as before!

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