Tuesday 5 May 2015

'Du est Gud før Joorden skabtis' - a long, full-bloodied Kingo hymn

The second morning-song

Soul and heart and mind and senses
Wake, awake in joy and praise
Round God’s Ark commence your dances
Faith and spirit now ablaze!
Thank the Lord that night is passed,
Early morn is in your grasp,
See, the day grows ever lighter,
And your mood grows ever brighter.

I lay down and sleep came quickly,
Over me though God stood guard,
Would have died had Satan pricked me
With his sin-envenomed dart,
Had, o God, thine angel throng
Not stood by me all night long,
Dark all else would have excluded
And me on death’s list included.

Praise and glory while I’m living
I would utter unto thee,
Proffer unto thee thanksgiving
While this day is fresh to me.
Touch me with thy spirit’s fire
For I’m burning with desire!
Let thy glow my lips inform
And with joy thy law perform.

Let me now the air be rending
With my shouting, with my heart
To thine altar now be wending,
Faith and solace there impart!
Take it, Jesus, fire it well
In my sluggish earthly shell,
May the sacrifice be pleasant,
And no taste of earth be present.

Thou art God before Creation,
Ere the mountains did exist
Ere in Adam came damnation
I was written on thy list!
In thy son didst thou love me,
So that I with him might be
Ever as joint-heir included,
Hast a pact with me concluded.

As a keepsake I’ll enshrine it
Every day that I see dawn,
Round my heart I will entwine it,
Sewn around my arm have worn!
Jesu’s love to all below,
Is the only thing I know
Which can stop my soul from aching,
Though my heart is almost breaking.

I the angel host resemble
Not in all points I confess,
Though I sin imbibe and tremble
In my flesh so weak (alas)
Grant me, God, the strength to win
O’er the poisoned juice of sin,
In the egg can it be killing
Ere it Basilisks starts spilling.

May I always seek to arm me,
Satan’s wiles to leave untried,
So he falsely cannot charm me
With his lust-inducing bride:
Pray, o Jesus, pray for me
When he draws near secretly
And like wheat would seek to sift me,
So my faith may still uplift me.

Grant me fortune that I, even
Though I fear, ask thee for bread,
Not be grieving like some heathen
Though the path of need I tread:
Bless my house and home and wife,
Help my children on in life,
Let all in thy shadow purely
Live both calmly and securely.

Dwell in us, o God, preserve us
With thy truly saving word,
Guide the shepherds who shall serve us
At the table of Our Lord.
Give our king both strength and health,
Grant his land both peace and wealth,
May from wisdom’s spring his steady
And shrewd counsel aye be ready.

Make our land like Sion’s mount
Full of fruit and rich delight,
All calamity surmount,
Put our enemies to flight,
Let no fire or flood demand
Mastery of this our land,
Let no pestilence or hunger
Shorten our days’ measured number.

If misfortune would enslave me
Fill this day with gloom apace,
Thou, o God, alone canst save me,
Thou canst help in such a case,
So my foot can surely tread
On the rightful path ahead,
Satan from all glee be keeping
If despondently I’m weeping.

May I days of peace be spending
Till my final goal draws near,
Grant me, God, a blessed ending,
May death’s cup to me bring cheer!
In death’s midst may I stand glad,
In my Saviour’s armour clad,
Full of faith, with joyful spirit

That great other world inherit.

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