Tuesday 2 August 2016

As short and concise as this Kingo poem you will have to search long to find

Skriv dig JEsu paa mit hierte

Skriv dig JEsu paa mit hierte,
O min Konge og min Gud!
At ey Vellyst eller smerte
Dig formaar at slette ud;
Denne Opskrifft paa mig sæt:
JEsus udaff Nazareth
Dend Korsfæste, er min Ære,
Og min Salighed skal være.

Jesus, on my heart engrave thee

Jesus, on my heart engrave thee,
O my king and mighty Lord!
That no joy or pain enslave me,
Nought erase what there is scored;
Write upon my heart this text:
Jesus Christ of Nazareth
Crucified, is here my glory,
Till salvation end my story.

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