Monday 4 March 2019

Inger Hagerup: 'Det bor en gammel baker' in English translation

det bor en gammel baker

Det bor en gammel baker
på en bitte liten øy.
Han er så lei av kaker
og krem og syltetøy.
Men han må sitte likevel
og spise sine kaker selv.
For han bor helt alene
på en bitte liten øy.

Når små og store båter
går dampende forbi,
da sitter han og gråter
i sitt varme bakeri,
og spiser loff og fattigmann,
for ingen kunder går i land.
Og han er helt alene
på en bitte liten øy.

Det var en gammel baker
på en bitte liten øy.
Han åt for mange kaker
med krem og syltetøy.
Forleden dag så satt han død
midt i en haug av wienerbrød.
Og nå bor ingen baker
på en bitte liten øy.

there lives an ancient baker

There lives an old, old baker
on a tiny little isle.
Cake, cream and jam this maker
of fine fare won’t cause to smile.
He has to sit there by his shelf
and eat up all his cakes himself.
For he lives quite alone there
on a tiny little isle.

When all the boats come plying
and past his isle they swarm,
he always sits there crying
in his bakery so warm,
and eats fried twisters and white bread,
since no one lands that would be fed.
And he is quite alone there
on a tiny little isle.

There was an old, old baker
on a tiny little isle.
Cake, cream and jam this maker
of fine cakes did gorge awhile.
The other day he sat there dead
right in a heap of sugarbread,
And now there lives no baker
on a tiny little isle.

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