Saturday 16 March 2019

M. Nijhoff: 'Con sordino' in English translation

Con sordino

She said to me: ‘You are a prince in bed.’
Upon the frozen pane ice flowers were sprayed.
Nestling between cools sheets as if unmade,
Our body by fatigue now lay outspread.

After this snow the whole world’s born anew
And this night over I’m once more a child.
Be kind to my simplicity whose mild
Voice speaks like medieval paintings do.

See behind pines the castle turrets stand,
And like a slanting beam on the horizon
The sunlight breaking over pious land!

A knight through meadows canters with his love:
He whistles to his dogs, she sees the falcon
Now risen from her gauntlet soar above.

To see the original poem, go to here

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