Thursday 16 May 2019

August Strindberg: 'Taga rävar.'

      Taking foxes

The taking of foxes is quite an art
though hardly a gentle pursuit. 
Hunting with hounds across fields isn’t smart
for a poor man to try for the brute,
since that calls for a lot of expensive gear
apart from the fact the fox has the habit
of not crossing fields in the open, hides near
to thick bushes to ambush a rabbit.
Instead, one takes carrion – some dead bod
that’s lain for a while and stinks highly –
sufficiency rotten to tempt a tod,
who, though he is cunning and wily,
finds quite irresistible such a strong taste.
The carrion though with strychnine’s been laced,
a poison that pharmacists sell in the main,
one that medicines often contain.

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