Sunday 26 January 2020

Ronelda S. Kamfer: 'Entitlement' and 'Erger dinge as alleen' in English translation


al wat ik wou terughê
was die blou van die see
die groen van die winter
die geel van die son
die afstand van die maan
die water van die reën
die klank van die wind
my plek agter my ma se rug

Erger dinge as alleen

wanneer die vrugte ge-oes was
en die landery maer en skraal
wanneer die grond goed was
en die somerson brand jou
soet en taai
is daar altyd 'n boom wat
uit season uit groei

my oupa het gesê
ons noem hom jaloesie
want hy groei in die leegste tuin
hy dra die mooiste vrugte
en hy kry die meeste son


all i wanted to retain
was the blue of the sea
the green of winter
the yellow of the sun
the distance of the moon
the water of rain
the sound of the wind
my place behind mother’s back

Worse things than alone

when the fruit  was harvested
and the countryside dry and meagre
when the ground was good
and the summer sun burnt
you sweet and tough
there was always a tree that
grew out of season

my grandpa said
we call it jealousy
for it grows in the emptiest garden
it bears the loveliest fruit
and gets the most sun

Ronelda S. Kamfer (1981)
uit: Mammie (2017)

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