Friday 20 November 2020

Ilja Leonard Pfeijffer: 'Sonnet dat de feestvreugde bederft'

Sonnet that dampens the party spirit

in which Trump has lost the election


Stories where evil’s vanquished by the force

of good are definitely quite compelling,

the stuff of myth and sagas for the telling –

real life though rarely follows such a course.


But now it seems it’s too good to be true.

Holed up in her ice-palace lair the witch

declares the lost election is a snitch

and, spewing venom, vows there’s no adieu.


Alas, indeed it’s too good to be true.

For almost half of the electorate

has not viewed Trump as evil and all those


who’d hoped a second term was more than due

are businessmen, and the whole party’s weight

and apparatus still make powerful foes.

To see the original sonnet, go to here


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