Thursday 17 June 2021

A.L. Snijders: 'The promontory'

 Snijder's publishers have sent the first few lines of Snijder's last ZKV, which he had not completed when he died recently. In a sense, the fragment is complete. It is a Jungian adumbration:



During the Book Week I have visited towns from Zutphen to Nijmegen.


I gave a reading in a bookshop. Afterwards an old man came up to me and explained that I did not exist. I asked him in that case who I was. He couldn’t tell me, that was none of his business. I asked him in that case what his business was, but he had no answer to that. I told him that in the Mediterranean (the sea of Homer) a promontory has been named after me – Cape Snijders.

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