Sunday 8 August 2021

Elisabeth Eybers: Two beautiful poems 'Eerste sneeu' and 'Herinnering'


Eerste sneeu


Vyandelike bitter oostewind,

sodra ’k my veilig agter glas bevind


vergeef ek jou. Want kyk hoe saggies dra

jy elke aparte ragfyn donsvlok na


die knekelharde grond om saam te smelt

tot één groot wit weerlegging van geweld.



First snow


You hostile, bitter east wind, when again

I’m safe and sound behind the window pane,


I bear no grudge. For see how gently you

bring home each filmy, downy snowflake to


the bone-hard ground where all the merging white

forms one great refutation of raw might.





As kind het ’k eens die maan se ronde skyf

langsaam sien uitswel bo die silwer vlei

om saggies soos ’n seepbel weg te dryf

en tussen yl popliere in te gly. 


Agter my in die donker was ’n raam

vol lig en mensestemme en gelag

en ín my angs en weekheid sonder naam

terwyl ek op die maan se loskom wag. 


Die res is alles duister en verward…

Van tak tot tak het hy gewieg… ek weet

nog net dat die gekneusde gras se geur

soos naeltjies was en dat ek skielik seer-

gekry het van die inkrimp van my hart

en met my pols die trane weggevee’t.





The moon’s round disc I as a child once saw

slowly dilate above the silver vlei

then gently drift off bubble-like before

it slid midst thread-thin poplars by and by.


Behind me in the dark a window pane

was full of light and voices loud and gay,

in me was fear and faintness without name

while watching for the moon to break away.


The rest’s obscure, confused now for my part...

It swayed from branch to branch... I just persist

in sensing still the scent of new-bruised grass

was needle-sharp and too my sudden gasp

of pain at the contraction of my heart

and how I wiped the tears off with my wrist.


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