Tuesday 3 August 2021

Marie Dauguet: 'Sous la bise'

The Bise on Lake Geneva


Sous la bise


Sous la bise qui le knoute,


Le bois se tordre et hurler


Et, dans un ciel sans lumière,


La pluie fauve le cingler.


Fuyant l’atroce martyre


D’un coup le bois tout entier,


Puis soudain jusqu’en la nue

     Se rue,

Redressé d’un bond altier;


Mais le vent qui le décharne,


Mate sa rébellion;


Des feuillages que transperce


Le flamboyant tourbillon


Emplit l’air qui s’en effraie,

     La plaie

Rougit des bois flagellés;


Et voici de la hêtrée


Des gouttes de sang gicler.



Under the Bise


Under the lashing cold Bise*,

     The trees –

Oh hear how they writhe and howl!


And, from a sky where light fails,

     Thick trails –

The fawn rain scourges their cowls.


Fleeing the imminent spate

     Of fate,

The whole wood just overturns,


Though up to the clouds then speeds


And haughtily fate now spurns.


But the wind which assails it,

     Flails it

Quelling its mutinous act;


The leaves are pierced by the rain


This swashbuckling cataract


Whirls through the air filled with dread,

     Turns red

The wound of the welted wood;


And here from the sprawling beech–

     Tree’s breach

One sees drops of spurting blood.


* The Bise is a specific European wind: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bise


* The Bise is a specific European wind, also referred to by La Fontaine in his famous fable 'La cigale et la fourmi': https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bise

1 comment:

  1. La Cigale, ayant chanté
    Tout l’été,
    Se trouva fort dépourvue
    Quand la bise fut venue :
    Pas un seul petit morceau
    De mouche ou de vermisseau.(...)
