Sunday 5 December 2021

Danish folk song: 'Der var en lørdag aften' (1849 version)

I waited for you only


//: I waited for you only

quite late one Saturday – ://

//: you promised you would visit me

but never came my way! ://


My head upon my pillow

such bitter tears I shed;

and every time I heard the door

I thought you to me sped.


I rose on Sunday morning

and plaited my long hair;

and as I hurried to the church

I spoke a silent prayer.


The church though you’d not entered

so you I did not find, –

another love you now have found,

and I am out of mind.


I walked back home so lonely

and frequently did sigh,

at every step along the path

a tear fell from my eye.


The lovely crimson ribbons

that you once gave to me

upon my dress I’ll wear no more,

my grave is all I see.


Where can one pick fair roses

where no such roses grow!

Where in a heart can one find love

where there is no such glow!


I wished to pick fair roses,

no more will I do so;

I loved you fervently, but love

henceforth I shall forgo!

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