Saturday 11 December 2021

N.F.S. Grundtvig: 'Nu falmer Skoven trindt om Land'




Now every wood grows pale and wan

and voice of bird soon parting,

the stork has crossed the shore and gone –

pursued by swallows darting.


Where fields but recently like gold

with ears of corn were swaying,

is only soil that’s black and cold

with stubble old and greying.


But threshing floor and barn are now

where we God’s gifts have treasured,

where active toil and wealth will grow

from stooks in bushels measured.


And he who out of earthly clay

let golden corn be scaling

is with us with his word alway,

the word that’s never-failing.


Him do we thank with songs of praise

for all that he’s been giving:

for summer cornfields all ablaze,

his word, and life for living!


Then over us throughout the year

he lets his peace shine gently,

and, winter over, spring is here

with summer, corn and plenty.


And when at last at his command

from earth we must be wending,

with God in paradise we’ll stand

in summer never-ending.


Then we shall reap as birds do now

though theirs was not the sowing,

then we shall ne’er remember how

earth’s toil and strife kept growing.


For harvest there and harvest here

to God all praise and glory,

who by our Lord, Christ Jesus dear

would be our Father surely.


May then his mighty spirit move

and us, in days fast waning,

raise up through faith and hope and love

till paradise attaining!



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