Monday 28 February 2022

Thor Sørheim: 'I forkant av forfallet'




The stinging nettles have surrounded the letterbox,

the aspens tremble on the verandah floor,

the roof tiles gape around the chimney, the door-latch

points limply at the mat, the floorboards give way with

lethargic creaks, the putty falls out in chunks, the wallpaper

loosens along the skirting boards, tubs, bowls and saucepans

collect water that drips from ceiling and taps,

rooms have been locked off in stages, the wallpaper is rotting,

damp stains like skulls are coming into view

on the walls, an ant-hill is trying to establish itself

in front of the fireplace, it is frightening to recall

that the former owners suffered a completely natural death.


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