Monday 8 May 2023

Ida Gerhardt: 'ποίησις'




De strofen komen toegevlogen

gelijk de vogelen overgaan.

Soms tot figuren streng getogen,

soms vegen grijs op grijs vergaan.

Mij geldt hun rakelingse baan.

Ik ben niets dan één groot vermogen.

Ik ben alleen en roep hen aan.





The stanzas fly in phrase by phrase

like birds when passing overhead.

At times as figures strictly raised,

at others hazy, grey as lead.

Their track would almost graze my head.

One vast potential and undazed,

Alone, I call on words unsaid.



ποίησις (poiesis) is the activity in which a person bring

something into being that did not exist before.



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