Sunday 28 May 2023

Thor Sørheim: 'Lista Fyr'




The green plain curves like a love-letter out towards

the sea. In spite of the pebble beach someone has written

LOVE with bright-coloured flowery letters. The wind presses

the clumps of grass flat. The lighthouse stands erect,


but a twin-brother lies slaughtered and dismembered in the wall.

Long-haired cows graze leisurely in the evening light. All you

need is love a loudspeaker claims from the sky. It takes time

To realise that under this flat countryside trenches spread out


like blood-vessels. We can see the remains of emplacements

and narrow ditches. The war bleeds in photographs from the First

World War on the Western front, others like on the edge of

Listalandet, and at Fetsund Battery they kept a sharp lookout across


Glomma towards the enemy. Present-day bombers, drones

and missiles cannot prevent war still being fought in

the earth’s crust. A trench dug with one’s own hands

is the closest one can ever get to a living hell.




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