Thursday 3 December 2009

The Flemish poet Hilde Keteleer


Turn the senses wholly outside in.

Balance the light-spot in the bevelled glass
and see how far the years will reach.
Gently unfold the bouquet like butterfly wings,
imagine raspberries and whiffs of pepper.
Smell poetry.

Let the sun trickle in the cavity of your mouth.
Black berries, apples, apricots,
never quench your thirst with these flavours.
Catch vanilla on the tip of your tongue
and rid the palate of hurrying.

The first drink is groping with arms outstretched,
the second calls for new breath.
Then bend the arms
so that the shoulder straps slip downwards
and the neck offers a glass line
to the amazed taster.

Turn the senses wholly inside out.

This poem is from her collection 'All that is winter and true'.
for a parallel text version of the collection go to here

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