Wednesday 5 October 2011

Bob Dylan poems by the Danish poet Klaus Høeck


Bob Dylan, there he stands in the sp
Otlight on the stage of my mind
Behind a nebula of cannabis

Dense vapours and tobacco smoke. Alread
Y an archetype in my own lost youth’s mytho
Logy. With his white shepherd’s h
At there he stands on the wide scree
N of memory in the cinema of my heart.

Bob Dylan, there he stands in black cl
Othes against a background of the
Blood-red stripes in the Stars an

D Stripes playing his harrowingl
Y lovely, his deadly beautifu
L music. A modern troub
Adour, close to the middle of the twentieth ce
Ntury, close to sorrow’s young springs.

For all the poems as a pdf file, go to here

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