Thursday 5 July 2012

Two poems from the very latest collection 'Live' by the Danish writer Klaus Høeck


                  up in the curve just
after hindevadgaard and
                  the property where
                  the producer of
the blue pesticide to kill
                  snails lives out on
                  rugaard landevej
a hells angels rocker killed
                  himself by driving
                  his motorcycle
straight into a combine har
                  vester at high speed

                  for several days
the place where it happened was
                  marked by a bouquet
                  of flowers which con
sisted of white carnations
                  of yellow lilies
                  and dark red roses
almost as in a sonnet
                  by petrarch and to
                  this very day there
are fragments of a lamp that
                  somebody lit there

                  if the motorcyc
list’s own wish were to have been
                  fulfilled there is now
                  one angel less here
on this earth and one angel
                  more in hell unless
                  it happens to be
so that these two names now and then
                  on religious hol
                  idays that aren’t fixed
actually refer to
                  one and the same place


                  independence day
we ought to find ourselves out
                  at rebild bakker
                  but make do with tom
merup stationsby which in
                  its own way is just
                  as beautiful and
compensates with a sending
                  mast and an arms dump
                  where it’s possible
to buy sporting rifles pump
                  guns and air pistols

yet another michael fall
                  en while fighting sat
                  an who this time is
dressed up in a soft hat and
                  white tennis socks this
                  time disguised with a
kind of face mask just like the
                  one worn by michael
                  jackson this time o
ver there somewhere or other
                  in america

                  independence day
in tommerup stationsby
                  where i procure am
                  munition for my
self what i mean is: rather
                  end up in a hell
                  of the brave than in
the paradise of the toad
                  ies and the redeemed
                  independence day
and the sunset flying with
                  all kinds of insects

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