Thursday 23 May 2013

Rain poem by the Danish writer
Viggo Stuckenberg (1863-1905)

Spring rain

The rain falls on the marshes,
so fine and steady, mild and soft,
a rain that’s grey with growing,
a dew of life, that from aloft
towards earth’s heart is streaming

Like crystal pearls so tiny
within marsh marigolds’ embrace
the droplets’ glossy moisture,
and blackthorn leaves with coated glaze
midst snow-white buds are gleaming.

The yellow grass, the fragile,
the silky brown stems of the reeds
are silently aquiver,
and cobwebs’ silver veils like beads
twine round the blades now greening.

The rain falls on the marshes,
the day so quietly moves along,
a single small bird’s cheeping
and now it chirps its springtime song
while down the rain is streaming.

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