Tuesday 25 June 2013

Poem by the Danish Romantic writer Henrik Hertz

In the forest
(Henrik Hertz)

I walked through the dark forest
all the long summer’s day.
I led my horse, the while my dog
at my side did leap and play.
The path it was so narrow,
and not a soul came by,
and if I called out, there was no reply.

I set out from the highway,
where the hill drops sharply down,
and walked, my gun slung on my back
mongst undergrowth and thorns.
The path it was so narrow,
and not a soul came by,
and if I called out, there was no reply.

And all the while alone I walked,
a sigh so deep I sighed.
Oh summer-tent, so high and cool,
where does my sweetheart bide?
The path it was so narrow,
and not a soul came by,
and if I called out, there was no reply.

Danish Romanticism at full strength! Henrik Hertz lived in the first half of the 19th century, and this song was set to music by Peter Heise.

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