Monday 24 February 2014

And yet another Brorson

Where’er God leads I’ll gladly go

Where’er God leads, I’ll gladly go,
for he alone is pastor,
all days of mercy here below
come from my Lord and Master.
God’s path is but the straight way home,
so cheerfully I’ll onward roam
and in his heart be trusting.

Where’er God leads, my life I will
consign to him entirely,
and should my cause seem strange, yet still
he knows how to inspire me
to do what he determined ere
from mother’s womb I first breathed air –
for I am but his servant.

Where’er God leads, in hope as well
as faith my heart rests ever,
in me his power divine will dwell,
can aught me from him sever?
Thus am I always of good cheer,
to God’s true path I will adhere,
beside it there’s none other.

Where’er God leads, I’ll gladly go
e’en though my feet are burning;
although at first I fail to know,
I’m lastly sure of learning
it calls for faithfulness alone
to take the path that I am shown:
that is my faith’s firm anchor.

1 comment:

  1. Many thanks to David Brown for a suggested change in the first verse to an earlier version.
