Tuesday 21 April 2020

Johannes Jørgensen: 'Nu lyser løv i lunden'

Each woodland leaf is gleaming

Each woodland leaf is gleaming –
all Denmark’s greenly trimmed,
’twixt straits where sunlight’s teeming,
a shield that’s silver-rimmed;
white specks of blossom pearling
the canvas rich and green,
and twilight nights unfurling
their summer tent’s soft sheen.

The birds’ locked tongues releasing
from winter’s tyranny,
a sunshine choir unceasing
they sing through woods so free;
those voices bid us leave now
our caged life while we may,
far from its bars to seek now
where Nature, you hold sway!

The freedom we were wanting
behind town roofs and walls,
a June day’s fields are granting
on which the sunlight falls;
its cheeks are tinged so lightly
as apple-blossom fair,
a wreath of dew-pearls brightly
now glitters in its hair.

You summer, gay and loving!
our freedom’s youthful bride,
from dust and noise we’re moving
to peace and quiet outside.
You change our lives to brightness
till daytime’s sun is spent,
and o’er us span the wideness
of summer nights’ great tent!

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