Thursday 10 March 2022

Thor Sørheim: 'Evig liv'




When we light a candle at the cemetery

or fix a rose to the crash barrier, the dead

live with us as long as we live, and when we die,

the dead die with us, and are remembered by those

who grieve at our passing. Not necessarily all that long, not

necessarily all that much , but enough for us to end in a grave

and feed a few mouths with sandwiches and coffee. That has

a certain worth, and as generations on earth go on remembering

their dead who have remembered their dead, the dead acquire worth..

When we go to the cemetery to look for our dear ones,

we see traces of those who have walked around on this green planet

long before us, and who we will never meet again. For I do not know

of any life after death, only a death in life, and deep down in our grief

it matures as we wander aimlessly under the starry sky:

Is there death on other planets.


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