Friday 11 March 2022

Thor Sørheim: 'Ørkenvandring'




We humans came to the Earth far too late

and have missed out on rampant, unbridled volcanoes

and the common sense of glaciers. We must learn from

the insects that buzz around in the shadow of trees

and the black and yellow thrush that builds nests

among blue and defiant lupins in the desert.

When the seed falls onto the ground, it has to wait

for years for a brief heavy shower

to be able to start to grow, and then lie dormant and

wait patiently for the next rainy season. Anyone fleeing

from the desert or using the desert as an escape

has stopped waiting for a sign that is more powerful

than wind and rain, or a cactus that catches fire.

The old trees ask us to remain

for the time it takes to tame a sunbeam.


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