Wednesday 2 March 2022

Thor Sørheim: 'Steinene klatrer i veven'


The stones climb up the tapestry


The stones climb up from the floor

where they have kept the wall pictures

on a short rein, that time is over.

The stones have moved through darkness,

ice and in long throws against the enemy’s grinning

and with sharp force against humans now hated.

They know too much about human beings’ savagery

and hankering to control creation as they see fit.


The stones detach themselves from the yarn-ends,

not so as to fall out of the world picture,

but so as to move up through the tapestry.

They do not feel at home any longer at the bottom

of the warp, they have an upward urge and would create a new

balance between the light and the heavy. The world

will not unravel completely, it is the law

of gravity that must be changed, our belief


has taken root like the grass round gravestones.

The stones have an upward urge, they climb through the weft

while the shuttle applauds. They climb in a formation

that can remind one of a climbing team up the Troll Wall.

There is good reason to raise one’s gaze, we ought to have

understood this long ago, the stones no longer

lie at our feet. Slowly and surely they move

upwards, before rappelling down to us.


(After ‘Escape Forward’, a handwoven textile artwork by Ann Cathrin November Høibo)

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