Thursday 30 June 2022

Klaus Høeck: 'Åndelig øvelse 9' (Heptameron)




mental exercise

number nine

place a maxell XLII

tape in your pioneer

cassette tape recorder

press the recording button

and record the instructions

for how the cassette recorder

is to be used – give

your wife the recorder as

a present and say that the

instructions for use are on

the accompanying tape 





devise a quite

simple code for

the danish language

for example that

a means b that

b means c etc

forward the key

to this code

converted into the self

same code language

to your wife in a

light blue envelope with

a heart on it 





construct a casket

preferably of mother-of-pearl

inlaid wood – place

an old-fashioned

lock on it to which

there are two keys

place the one key

in the casket – lock with

the other and hide

it – now hand over

this locked

casket to your

wife as a morning gift 





now your wife is

of course not stupid

she’s well aware

you are pulling

her leg – she’s

well aware that you

are trying to explain

something to her she

has realised herself

long since:

that a system a code

cannot contain its

own ultimate key 





she’s well aware

that your clumsy

demonstrations are

only sham solutions

she’s well aware that

even though the code ‘contains’

its own

key she will

only be able to grasp

this ‘inner

key’ if she

had grasped

the ‘outer key’


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