Tuesday 28 June 2022

Klaus Høeck: 'Åndelig øvelse 1' (Heptameron)



mental exercise

number one

go out and observe

a tulip

a parissima

is fine by me

carefully study

the episcopal seat

in the middle that has

been sprayed with god’s

yellow semen

compare it

with dyrup’s colour chart





then you will

discover that what

you thought

was called cream-coloured

is called eggshell-white


in modern design

now touch these

large immoral

petals and think

at the same time

of your

woman’s labia

just do as i say 





then say to it:

delightful tulip

how lovely you are

that is what it’s

standing waiting for

after the bees

have visited it

long ago – go into

more detail continue

like this: you are

more beautiful than villa

lobos’ guitar music

that is what it wants to hear





bend down over it

like a happy

lover and whisper:

you are a true


not even solomon in

all his glory

was arrayed

like one of you

whisper that to it

and you will see

it blush there

in the sunset





dear reader
if after these

directions you

have not understood

that the age of miracles

is not past

that miracles are

alive and kicking right

outside your window

that miracles

grow in valleys
i am unable to

help you any more

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