Sunday 26 March 2023

Henrik van Veldeke: 'Der scone somer geit ons ane'


Der scone somer geit ons ane


Der scone somer geit ons ane,

des is vele manech vogel blide,

want sie vrouwen sich te stride

den sconen tiit vele wale te entfane.

recht is jaerlanc dat der hare

wenke den vele suten winden:

ich bin worden wale geware

nouwes louves ane der linden.



Glorious summer we sense is near


Glorious summer we sense is near,

which many birds greet with joyful voice,

vie with each other as they rejoice

in welcoming best this time of year.

the eagle rightly at this season

invites the south wind gentle and mild:

my eye is also with good reason

by yellow-green linden leaves beguiled.


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