Tuesday 25 May 2010

Poem by the Danish 19th century poet N.F.S. Grundtvig (based on Psalm 19)

Lord, of your glory the heavens are telling

Lord, of Your glory the heavens are telling,
By the blue welkin the Master is praised,
Sun, moon and stars in their hosts ever swelling
Show us Your handiwork, leave us amazed.
But in Your house, in Your church on earth founded,
There of You every day speaks unto day,
There are Your sun and Your thunder expounded,
There even night will enlighten our way!

In truth no word or thought ever are given,
Which in Your house found their voice and true worth,
And far and wide as the stars roam the heaven
But that they comfort, enlighten on earth,
And with the sun will the word, as times alter,
Come as a bridegroom at first flush of dawn,
Follow its course through the sky without falter,
With sunset’s wreath be as hero adorned!

So does God’s sun travel on as ’tis bidden,
Light in truth, circling our earth in pure blaze,
Nought here below from its eye can be hidden,
Ne’er shall its radiant track be erased,
Bright as pure gold are the statutes You gave us,
Souls who revere them You never despise,
Your steadfast token to life e’er will save us,
By it are ignorant mortals made wise!

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