Thursday 27 May 2010

Poem for the 'Lyrisch van Rembrandt' book by the recently deceased Dutch poet Driek van Wissen, former Poet Laureate


Al stak je vroeger met z’n beiden
Elkaar voortdurend naar de kroon
En riep je elk op hoge toon
Dat je jezelf kon onderscheiden
Door trots je veren uit te spreiden
En leek dat telkens wonderschoon,
Toch zien wij dat je doodgewoon
En lelijk kwam te overlijden.

En ondanks al je geldingsdrang
Ben jij inmiddels eeuwenlang
Alleen maar wijd en zijd bekend
Omdat je in je ondergang
Net als je dode concurrent
Met meesterhand geschilderd bent.


Although you both with utmost flair
Would constantly outdo the other
And shriek still louder than your brother
That you were quite beyond compare
By proudly fanning every feather
And finding that a cause to stare,
We notice that you came to share
A common nasty end together.

Despite your urge then to excel
For centuries your fame has rested
And far and wide been uncontested
On your perdition and, as well,
That of your rival, being scanned
And painted by a master’s hand.

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