Saturday 13 April 2019

Der von Kürenberg: 'Ich zôch mir einen valken' (Middle High German) in English translation

Ich zôch mir einen valken mêre danne ein jâr.
dô ich in gezamete als ich in wolte hân
und ich im sîn gevidere mit golde wol bewant,
er huop sich ûf vil hôhe und floug in anderiu lant.

Sît sach ich den valken schône fliegen:
er fuorte an sînem fuoze sîdîne riemen,
und was im sîn gevidere alrôt guldîn.
got sende si zesamene die gerne geliep wellen sîn!

I chose to train a falcon longer than a year.
When I’d fully tamed him to act as I made clear 
and with gold thread his plumage adorned with my own hands,
he rose into the heavens and flew to far-off lands.

Since when I’ve seen the falcon swoop and soar:
silk jesses round his ankle I saw he still wore,
And there was red gold still in his plumage up above
God bring together those who so yearn to know of love!

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