Saturday 13 April 2019

Ole Sarvig: 'Regnmaaleren' in English translation


med den flade kumme
staar i juninattens bløde regn
paa sin søjle
og lar sig fylde af vand,
mens mørke popler suser
og bevæger deres grene.

Natten kan høres videnom.
Regnen gir genlyd i verden.
Der er tomt. Der er stille.
Alle skabninger sover.

Poplerne suser.

Inat er haven vaagen
og fuld af vellugt.

Ganske stille
som en flad kumme
i juniregnen
vil jeg løbe fuld
af vilje

The rain gauge

The rain gauge
with its shallow basin
stands in the June night’s gentle rain
on its column
letting itself be filled with water,
while dark poplars sigh
and move their branches.

The night can be heard far and wide.
The rain finds its echo in the world.
It is empty. It is still.
All of creation is asleep.

The poplars sigh.

Tonight the garden is awake
and full of fragrance.

Quite still
like a shallow basin
in June rain
I shall fill to the brim
with will

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