Saturday 12 September 2020

J.C. Bloem: 'Regen en maanlicht'




The summer night will soon pale into morning; 

As yet no trace of light invades the skies.

Only the rain’s small voice before the dawning

That at my open window sighs.


Though bed was sought to ease life’s long chastising

By one who longs for sleep when earth confines,

I seem to feel a lighter joy arising

Because the moon so brightly shines.


Oh restlessness on days when sun is hateful, 

Oh roads on which one suffers dust’s fierce bite,

Who after lethargy and fear would not feel grateful

At such a perfect light? 


All that I have withheld while life was calling,

A yearning without form and without name,

Has now turned into warm rain that is falling  

Outside a silver pane.

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