Wednesday 25 August 2021

Marie Dauguet: 'Se dépasser' (1924)


Se dépasser


C’est un soleil blasé et qui n’a plus de flèches

Dans son terne carquois;

Sur le marais cuivreux et que l’ombre caresse

S’abattent en chuchotant des vols sournois.


C’est un soleil repu: il a goûté tous les 

Parfums du marécage; aux embruns violets

Des eaux, il a mêlé ses feux aromatiques

Qui doraient les bourbiers au fond des moindres criques.


C’est un soleil gonflé de brouillard et d’odeur,

Enivré de l’opium humide de la terre,

Où mon cœur, ivre aussi, mélange sa lueur;

Qui mêle son secret stellaire à mon mystère


Humain. – Comme je t’appartiens, soir solitaire!

Un animal profond, subtil, revit en nous:

Nous foulons ces vases antiques où tu erres

Encore, vieux vouloir, d’où nous surgissons tous.


Je palpe cet effluve aux lointaines richesses

Qui berce quelle âme en puissance et quel instinct?

J’aspire à ce qu’un être admirable paraisse

En moi, dépassant l’homme où nous avons atteint!



To go beyond oneself


It is a jaded sun – no arrows still in place –

Its quiver a dull brown;

On the coppery marsh, in the shadows’ embrace,

Sly light-shafts softly whispering come raining down.


It is a sated sun: has tasted as its prey

All perfumes of the swamp; and with the purplish spray

Of waters it has mixed its aromatic fires

Which at the heads of smallish coves glazed soggy mires.


It is a sun bloated on fog and smells that grow,

Drugged on humid opium which the earth sets free,

Where my heart, also drunk, blends its own special glow,

Mixing stellar secret with human mystery.


Solitary evening, how I belong to you!

A deep and subtle beast relives in us once more:

We crush these antique vases that you still stray through

Alone, ancient desire, and from them upwards soar. 


I feel this fragrance in far riches drawing near –

What instinct does it cradle, what potential soul?

I wish for some praiseworthy being to appear

In me, exceeding mankind as a final goal!


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