Friday 14 July 2023

Marie Dauguet: 'Futurisme'

This sonnet accompanied a letter sent by Marie Dauguet to F.T. Marinetti, who wrote the Manifesto of Futurism was published in ‘Le Figaro’ on Saturday, 20 February 1909. Her flirt with futurism was fairly short, and produced no memorable poetry. It is here for the sake of completeness.



Plus d’horizon gênant, dont le contour restreint.

L’espace s’amplifie; notre rêve l’explore

Et le bondissement vigoureux de nos reins

Nous livre l’infini – Demi dieu qui se laure.


Des brasiers du couchant, des flammes de l’aurore,

Que plus rien ne limite et que rien ne contraint,

Nous heurtons à l’éther un poitrail souverain;

L’audace des héros fabuleux nous décore.


L’emportement nous plaît de nos galops sonores,

Nous aimons la vitesse ardente; triomphale

La Course où notre orgueil frénétique s’exhale;


Et, comme un vin puissant, que verserait l’amphore,

Boire, à pleins sens, jusqu’à l’ivresse, la rafale:

Nous sommes le superbe et très-brutal Centaure.





No more trying skyline, whose contour just restrains.

Space becomes amplified; our dream explores its bournes

And through vigorous bounding of our loins we gain

Infinity! – A demi-god self-crowned though not so born.


The blazing of the setting sun, the flames of dawn,

That nothing more restricts, that nothing more constrains,

We hurl at the aether our chest with might and main;

The boldness of fabulous heroes us adorns.


Our loud wild galloping is like some joyful rout

We love our ardent speed; triumphant is the Race

In which our frenzied pride exhales its fiery breath;


And like a heady wine the amphora pours out,

Drinking, our senses bursting at the whirling pace:

We are the splendid Centaur and as cruel as death.


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