Saturday 16 March 2024

Pierre de Ronsard: 'Pour son tombeau'

Prieuré San-Cosme




Ronsard repose icy, qui hardy dés enfance

Détourna d’Helicon les Muses en la France,

Suivant le son du luth et les traits d’Apollon:

Mais peu valut sa Muse encontre l’eguillon

De la mort, qui cruelle en ce tombeau l’enserre.

Son ame soit à Dieu, son corps soit à la terre.





Ronsard is lying here, whose early daring stance

The Muses did divert from Helicon to France,

The lute’s sound and Apollo’s traits his chosen road:

But little could his Muse when pit against the goad

Of death, who him did seal most cruelly in this tomb.

May his soul be with God, may earth his corpse consume.


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