Sunday 21 July 2024

Jeppe Aakjær: 'Da man skød Trofast'


Da man skød Trofast


Saa er du død, min laadne Ven,

skudt ned paa maa og faa;

dit Morgenbjæf, dit Aftenskjænd

det svarer aldrig mer igjen

mod Hjemmets Mure graa.


Naar jeg fra Staden vendte hjem

den lange, lange Vej,

og jeg fik Døren lidt paa Klem,

fik hilst paa Mor, fik Skjæmten frem,

jeg spurgte efter dig.


Og sprang du over Tærsklen ind

med Glædeshyl og -Hop,

og klapped jeg dit gule Skind,

da først kom i mit rørte Sind

den rette Stemning op.


Da saa jeg, Hjemmet var som før,

i Mindet ingen Mist,

fra Klinken i den brune Dør

indtil dit laadne Skinds Kulør

var alting just som sidst.


Men nu er det en anden Sag,

for nu er du jo skudt;

nu har du haft din Dommedag,

din Pande har man sprængt i Kvag

med Rævehagl og Krudt.


Ak, at jeg ej kan hjælpe dig,

at tavs er nu din Mund!

Du logrer aldrig mer for mig,

din Dom den appelleres ej,

du var jo kun en Hund.


Men jeg vil sukke næste Aar

og mærke Mindets Brist,

naar jeg paa Hjemmets Tærskel staar

og sér, at i den gamle Gaard

er alt ej helt som sidst.



Kjbh. 17/9 1895.


When Trusty was shot


So now you’re dead, my shaggy friend,

at random killed one day;

your bark at dawn, growl at day’s end

will never echo out again

against home’s walls of grey.


When homeward I from town set out

along that long, long track, 

I’d, door ajar, to mother mouth

a greeting, joke a bit, then shout

for you now I was back.


And o’er the threshold you would rush

with joyous howls and bounds,

your golden coat my hand would brush

and only then my mind would hush

and peace of mind be found.


I’d see then home was as before,

my memory like glass,

from worn latch in the dark-brown door

to shade of the thick coat you wore,

all was as it was last.


All’s different now, the past is barred,

for now you have been shot;

you’ve met your Maker, like as not,

with powder and with coarse buckshot

your skull’s been blown apart.


Ah, I can’t help you, all help’s blocked,

your mouth can speak no plea!

Your tail will wag no more for me

your sentence knows no clemency –

for you were just a dog.


I though will sigh aloud next year

note memory’s great lack,

when on the threshold I stand here

and see the old farm can’t appear

again as once way back.



Copenhagen 17/9 1895


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